In-Person Relay

Run in honour of our missing and murdered loved ones along the Highway of Tears.

Relay Routes

In person relay registration is on a first come, first serve basis where you can choose your in person relay leg.


So, here’s a few tips:

1. You can zoom in on each map and see the approximate starting points.

2. Have a few back up choices to your first choice.

3. Pay close attention to the schedule and times. Compare them to when and/or where you want to run. For example, if you can only run Saturday, make sure you chose a leg on Saturday.

4. We use Race Roster, so if you don’t already have an account with them, you should do so ahead of time.

5. If your desired legs are taken, and there are no more convenient options, you can always choose a 5km or 10km virtual leg.

DISCLAIMER: These start and end points are approximate. Markers on blind corners need to be adjusted to ensure the runners safety.

Prince Rupert Route

14 Legs, starting from Prince Rupert (red pin) towards Terrace

Leg Time Runner Leg Time Runner
1- KM 140 8:00am Araya Bartlett 9- KM 60 9:00am Doug Kroeker
2- KM 130 9:20am Nicole Boivin 10- KM 50 10:20am Lizelle Sears
3- KM 120 10:40am Brittany Campbell 11- KM 40 11:40am Ron Bartlett
4- KM 110 12:00pm Noah Allison 12- KM 30 1:00pm Joanne Bartlett
5- KM 100 1:20pm Birgitte Bartlett 13- KM 20 2:20pm Jennifer Pierce
6- KM 90 2:40pm Hannah Bilash 14- KM 10 3:40 Birgitte Bartlett
7- KM 80 4:00pm Janelle Stephens 5:00 FINISH
8- KM 70 5:20pm Adam Brown

* Times are approximate, except for the start time. Please keep in mind that you must be at your starting point half an hour in advance to prepare and in case the runner ahead of you is faster than the time allotted.

Smithers Route

21 Legs, starting from Smithers towards Terrace

Leg Time Runner Leg Time Runner Leg Time Runner
1- KM 210 2:00pm Kathleen Morin 5- KM 170 7:00am Harra Hallshield 15- KM 70 7:40am Randie Morgan
2- KM 200 3:20pm Caroline Hall & Warner Naziel 6- KM 160 8:20am Shirley Belisle 16- KM 60 9:00am Ashley Williams
3- KM 190 4:40pm Marilyn Morrison 7- KM 150 9:40am Harriet Hall 17- KM 50 10:20am Holly Harris
4- KM 180 6:00pm Darren Brown 8- KM 140 11:00am Nalaine Morin 18- KM 40 11:40am Lucy Roseboom
9- KM 130 12:20pm Jenna Warren 19- KM 30 1:00pm Michelle Segovia
10- KM 120 1:40pm Tanya Bernard 20- KM 20 2:20pm Matthew Brown
11- KM 110 3:00pm Peter Brown 21- KM 10 3:40pm Printz family
12- KM 100 4:20pm Anissa Watson 5:00pm FINISH
13- KM 90 5:40pm Martina Joseph
14 – KM 80 7:00pm

* Times are approximate, except for the start time. Please keep in mind that you must be at your starting point half an hour in advance to prepare and in case the runner ahead of you is faster than the time allotted.

Nass Valley Route

10 Legs, starting from Gitlaxt’aamiks (red pin) towards Terrace

Leg Time Runner Leg Time Runner
1- KM 100 11:00am Sarah Clayton 6- KM 50 10:20am Roberta Moore
2- KM 90 12:20pm Kerinda Monroe 7- KM 40 11:40am Takoda Gurney
3- KM 80 1:40pm Charity Peal 8- KM 30 1:00pm Geordie Robinson
4- KM 70 3:00pm Arthur Johnson 9- KM 20 2:20pm Paige Kurpjuweit
5- KM 60 4:20pm Constance Johnson 10- KM 10 3:40pm Carrie Breisch

* Times are approximate, except for the start time. Please keep in mind that you must be at your starting point half an hour in advance to prepare and in case the runner ahead of you is faster than the time allotted.

Kitimaat Village Route

7 Legs, starting from Kitimat towards Terrace

Leg Time Runner
1- KM 70 7:40am Tanya Webster
2- KM 60 9:00am Job Daniels
3- KM 50 10:20am Bill Catterall
4- KM 40 11:40am Frederick Morgan
5- KM 30 1:00pm Trenna Johnson
6- KM 20 2:20pm Luke Warkentin
7- KM 10 3:40pm Holly Harris
5:00pm FINISH

* Times are approximate, except for the start time. Please keep in mind that you must be at your starting point half an hour in advance to prepare and in case the runner ahead of you is faster than the time allotted.

How to register for the in-person relay:

Sign into your Race Roster account. If you don’t have one, create one.

Click “REGISTER” on the Race Roster event page.

This will bring you to your registration form.

Choose which route you’d like to run.

You have a choice between:
Prince Rupert to Terrace
Gingolx to Terrace
Smithers to Terrace
Kitimaat Village to Terrace

Fill out all your required information.

*note: if the participant registering someone 18 years of age or under, consent from a legal guardian is required.

Under teams, you must chose your route again.

Although this is made easy by being your only option.

Choose the leg you’d like to run.


Write your choice down somewhere. This will NOT be on your confirmation and the only way to check is to sign into your race roster and look in your dashboard

Choose your t-shirt size.

A new option this year is women’s tank tops!

Click the “REGISTER NOW” button below and follow the remaining Race Roster directions.